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an organized effort by a number of people to achieve a particular purpose, often to raise money.



Put a little excitement into fundraising. With DRIVE, we hope to give organizations a better option for raising money. With the help of local businesses, we will be able to offer remarkable deals for products & services in their own community. Anybody with kids in sports knows that it can get expensive. 33% of sales from the DRIVE book will go directly to the group, which is significantly higher than other fundraising options. This will help alleviate some of those costs, as well as give people the opportunity to support local businesses. Our goal is to sell 500 copies of each book, so that’s 500 people coming through your door, which is 500 chances to impress a new or returning customer! Please contact someone today if you would like to be included in our next DRIVE!!!

Each advertiser has a 3x5 section with logo & picture, along with description of deal offered.

Includes deals aimed towards men, women, children, and family entertainment.

Get exposure to thousands of potential customers with zero upfront advertising costs.

$2 from each book sold will be donated to help less fortunate youth programs in the city.

© 2019 by Yellow Bird Media Group

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